Our quarterly Walk With Us yarn club is open with our winter colorway: Sundogs.
Sundogs are bright halos that appear around the sun when ice crystals reflect light at just the right angle. The best ones look like little rainbows, mirrored on both sides of the sun. We usually see them on very cold days with very clear skies.
The bold yellow sun is in the center, and the rainbow of ice crystals builds outward in both directions. After purple, there is a gradient of dusty sky blue from light to dark.
Whenever I see sundogs, my eyes are usually overwhelmed by how bright the sun is, combined with the reflecting and magnifying power of the ice crystals. I think this yarn captures the way the powerful light blurs colors and boundaries in the winter sky.
The yarn is available for preorder through February 14. You can purchase it as a single skein or join our quarterly club. The club includes a newsletter with a preview of the yarn and a story about the walking adventures that inspired it. There is an excerpt of this quarter’s newsletter below. Sundog preorders will ship in early March.
For spinners, there are a few packs of pink mini batts available. I just finished spinning mine!
The mini batts, which contain sari silk, silk noil, and really fabulous sparkle, are packed in bundles of 12, which equal 3 ounces of fiber. There are two different sets available, so if you purchase two, you’ll receive 24 different, but coordinating, mini batts. I spun all 24 into this two-ply yarn.
I divided each mini in half, and spun them in a random order. You can get your mini packs here.
Thank you so much for your interest in our little shop! I hope you get lots of crafting time this weekend.
From the Walk With Us newsletter:
Our house and farm is fantastically sheltered by thick stands of trees that do wonders for keeping down the wind, especially when it is the prevailing westerlies. The road however…not so much. Two steps out of our protected driveway into the exposed road is often the difference between pleasant and intolerable. Stepping onto the road, being instantly buffeted by 20 mph gusts when the air temperature is only 15 F, can be unpleasant. Our dog, Pullo, sometimes the smartest of us all, will drop his ears, squat low, look at us and with universally understood pitty body language that says “NOPE!” He quickly turns and pulls us right back up the driveway.
If we do make it, conversation may be a bit less than in the summer. It can be harder to talk when you’re burying your face in all that wool… Still, it is good to be outside, and the winter can bring its own surprises.
One of our favorites is the appearance of “sundogs.” Have you seen them? When sunlight is refracted through hexagonal ice crystals in the atmosphere, they can appear. The sundogs are light halos, also called parahelia (side of sun), or sometimes “false suns” as bright spots can appear in subtly colored pillars of rainbow light.
(Join the Walk With Us Club now through February 14).